Wednesday, 20 September 2017


I don't know if anything thrills me as much, as when my horse comes (especially cantering) when I call him. It fills me with joy that he would choose to come and spend time with me, that he longs to be by my side. But then there are times when he decides that no, really he would prefer to eat. Those times hurt and disappoint me. Some- times it makes me feel like I am not good enough.

This leads me to wonder how God feels... He often calls me. Sometimes it is just to say look at this, or be careful, and don't drift away from me. And like my horse, sometimes I am delighted and burst out with thanks for God's care. But there are also times where I think I am okay; nothing is the matter. God always persists but when I turn away how can He reach me? Before I know it I've fallen in a hole and am crying God how did you let me get here? And He says, you chose. But if you repent I'll eagerly help you out.

He promises 'For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.' Isaiah 41:13

 I haven't posted for awhile, but I just haven't felt inspired. And I figured I'm better off to be quiet than meaninglessly blab and blah. To be honest this post is a draft resurrected from some time past. And I'm sorry the photos weren't cooperating. So anyway that is just how I've felt. If you have any ideas for me to post about, or you'd like to write a guest post let me know! ;)