Thursday, 28 June 2018

A Letter from my Sister

Here is a letter from my Sister! Because I promised and it warms my heart and maybe it will yours too.

Once upon a time there was a small person, and a big person, and 
they lived in a house with some other persons. The small person and the
 big person were the best of friends. It was like the smallness made up for the
 bigness and the bigness made up for the smallness, and in that way they both 
had everything. But, as seems to be the way of the world, sometimes the big
 person and the small person had to be apart. This made the big person and the 
small person sad, because a part of them was missing. But wherever they
 were, the big person thought of the small person, and the small person thought 
of the big person, so it wasn't like they were totally gone. 

One day, when the small person had to leave the big person, the big person wrote
 the small person a letter, because the big person wanted the small person to know
 that distance could never come between them because they were joined at heart.  
And this is the letter and you are my small person and nothing can stop me loving 
you always. xxx

And likewise (big) Person, nothing will stop me loving you always. You are Beautiful! 


  1. Aww! That is such a loving letter! Sisters are the best!!!

    1. They certainly are! Thanks for your comment, Friend.

  2. Awww! I love getting letters from my sister!

    1. Yep, it's one of the the best feelings!

  3. This definitely warmed my heart. Sisters are the best. <3

  4. I know this is an old post of yours, but I just "had" *wink* to say that I love this letter!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Aww. Thanks for your comment. Yes, my Sister is amazing!
